Sunday, January 30, 2005

Chronology of Iraq elections, political changes from 1920 to present. (Reuters via Houston Chronicle)

Prime Minister Tony Blair today hailed the Iraqi elections as “a blow right to the heart of global terrorism”. (

Roundup: Iraqi elections wrap up with high turnout, unabated violence (XINHUA online [China])

Robert J. Caldwell: Bush's not-so-impossible dream (

Fareed Zakaria: Elections Are Not Democracy. The United States has essentially stopped trying to build a democratic order in Iraq, and is simply trying to gain stability and legitimacy. (Newsweek)

Andrew Sullivan: Whatever the result, this is a triumphant election (The Times [UK])

Mark Steyn: Iraq is going to be just fine. (Chicago Sun-Times)

Walter Russell Mead: Each vote strikes at terror (L.A. Times)